Exciting news and travelling further afield
I've been extremely lucky to be commissioned to do some doodles within Wigan. The first area I've been doodling and researching is Lowton. It's a semi-rural area, lots of old weavers cottages dating from the 1700s. Doodled far more than will be needed, so will make an Area Doodle too eventually
Exciting news and travelling further afield
I've been extremely lucky to be commissioned to do some doodles within Wigan. The first area I've been doodling and researching is Lowton. It's a semi-rural area, lots of old weavers cottages dating from the 1700s. Doodled far more than will be needed, so will make an Area Doodle too eventually.
The Area Doodles
Studies of local areas and their landmarks, including buildings past and present. Signed prints @ £15 to frame yourself or a standard A3 framed @ £30.
Personalise to swop in your own home, favourite pub, wedding venue, anywhere with a special significance @ £25-£35 per building, depending on complexity.
Works in progress will be featured here too, the list of areas is forever growing.